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Rental Process and Application Disclosure – TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE

It is illegal to submit false information on this rental application. We prosecute those who falsify information and commit fraud.

Read these criteria and instruction before applying.

Summary of one-time Application costs:

  1. APPLICATION: $60 Application charge will be refunded if we decline your application before we process it due to our signing a lease with a prior applicant. Do not apply if you expect a refund if we decline for reasons listed in these terms. If application is withdrawn after credit has been run, but before application processing, only $30 will be refunded.
  2. Some properties may require different amounts, inquire before applying.
  3. Your application may be switched (within 30 days) to any of our available properties without having to pay an additional charge. By paying one application charge, you may apply again in the future with no additional charge, for life.

Summary of Lease Signing costs:

  1. LEASE SIGNING: $0.25/s.f. Pre-paid Cleaning Service (minimum $300) which also covers Move-out cleaning and Move-in/Move-out inspections and lease documentation
  2. FILTERS/SALT: $75-150. As part of the service, furnace filters and water softener salt supplies will be provided at the start of your lease.
  3. SECURITY DEPOIST: 1 times Monthly Rent, plus 30% increase per animal (excluding Assistance Animals). Additional deposits or guarantee may be required for applicants not meeting criteria or present additional risk at landlords sole discretion.
  4. Additional costs may apply such as guarantees or for other special circumstances.

Summary of Recurring Monthly costs:

  1. RENT: varies depending on property and includes the amount of HOA dues paid by Tenant, if any. Advertised Rent includes all discounts and does not include any tenant improvements requested. Visit to review the property listing. RPMV is not responsible for information contained on third party listing sites.
  2. PET RENT/SERVICE: $25-35 per pet per month which covers pet inspections and potential pet nuisance issues. Rates depend on each property and may be higher, inquire for property specific rate before applying.
  3. RESIDENT AMENITIES: $13+1.2% of Rent. Covers 24/7 maintenance response, resident benefits (, Insurance Portal, RentBureau, Credit Reporting Services, Home Buying Assistance, Pet Reference. Amenities may change or be cancelled by the Property Manager at any time.
  4. RENTERS INSURANCE: The lease requires liability Insurance paid by Tenant with $100,000 in Liability coverage, commonly provided by Renters Insurance.

Summary of application processing:

  1. COMPLETE APPLICTION FOR ALL ADULTS: If your application is incomplete (see below for definition of complete), we will suspend your application until complete and move on to the next application in order. Once your application is complete, it will be placed in line in order of completed applications.
  2. TERM SHEET: If you meet the criteria, we will issue a Term Sheet and you will have 24 hours to approve in writing to [email protected] and comply with any special considerations listed or the offer/terms will expire.
  3. LEASE SIGNING AND PAYMENTS: If the landlord approves your terms, we will draw up a lease and send you the lease and a payment link for your review and security deposit options. If the lease is not signed and payment not received within 24 hours of its issue, the offer will expire and it will be cancelled and we will move on to the next application.
  4. SIGNING EXTENTION: Extensions for time to sign a lease may only be made by signing a Unit Hold Agreement and make the required payment prior to the expiration of the offer.
  5. PAYMENT OF FUNDS: Security Deposits and Move in Funds must be paid as instructed at the time of lease signing or the Lease may be cancelled.

NOTE 1: Applications are processed in the order they are deemed complete. Your credit report will be ordered from TransUnion (+1 (800) 916-8800) as soon as you apply. Please note that if your application is deemed incomplete we will suspend your application and we may request additional information from you, but will also begin processing the next application for that rental unit while we are waiting for your application to be complete. The rental unit will be offered (and a lease issued) to the first applicant with a completed and approved application and such applicant will have 24 hours to sign and pay the required funds, or the offer may be cancelled.

NOTE 2: If you have any special circumstances, agency financial support, or anything that would prevent you from signing a lease within 24 hours of issue AND paying the required funds upon lease signing, indicate all circumstances on your application. Any delays may cause your application to be suspended or canceled.

NOTE 3: We reserve the right to offer Terms based on your income, credit, or housing other than those advertised ff you do not meet the criteria listed herein.  The terms offered for your tenancy may include requiring: Surety Bond, Shorter Term, Rent Risk Premium, Extra Security Deposit.

We pledge to honor the letter and spirit of the U.S. Policy for the Achievement of Equal Housing Opportunity throughout the Nation. We encourage and support a program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of Race, Color, Creed, Age, Marital Status, Physical or Mental Disability, Religion, Sex, Handicap, Familial Status, or National Origin. Additionally, should any state or local ordinance or law require more stringent criteria than what is listed herein, we shall adhere to those laws as well. Our leasing consultants will be happy to show you our available rental homes at absolutely no charge to you. You may also preview our properties 24 hours a day on-line at

General Instructions and application terms:

  1. We reserve the right to to decline or suspend an application if the applicant is seeking a lease start date that is more than 30 days past the availability date or the date of your application, which ever is later; or, if tenant improvements are requested and not covered by additional rents.
  2. READ and FOLLOW all instructions. Your are solely responsible for providing a COMPLETE application. Application fees for incomplete, denied, or expired applications will not be refunded. Only application fees for applications that have not been processed will be refunded as allowed by law.
  3. Please be prepared to pay the application fee as shown or as outlined in the property listing. Some Common Interest Communities may require additional application fees or background checks. All applicants must have separate distinct email addresses to complete and sign lease. Our application process relies solely on email and online activity; therefore, it is your responsibility to provide accurate contact information as we will not make phone calls to validate information. If your landlord reference does not have a valid email, have them call us at 612-416-7300 to provide a reference.
  4. To complete this rental application, you must be prepared to provide 3 years of residential history as well as valid contact information for your rental references. You will also be asked to provide information on your monthly income, bank accounts, employment, and please note that most properties outside Minneapolis and St Paul require that applicant combined gross income is at least 3 times the monthly rent amount. In Minneapolis, you will be provided an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to pay rent if your income is lower than 3 times the rent with the same or lower ratio of income to rent. You will also be required to provide a valid form of Photo ID which can be verified. If you are requested to provide additional information or clarifications, you will have 24 hours to respond, else your application may be suspended or cancelled.
  5. Each resident 18 years or older must submit a separate and complete rental application. All minor occupants must be listed with their relationship to the applicant and their birthdates. Each applicant must submit sufficient information to verify income. All applicants must have a U.S. address and a Social Security number unless a rent guarantee is provided by one of our approved providers.
  6. Applications with Assistance Animals will be processed with the assumption that the Assistance Animal meets the criteria provided by the U.S.H.U.D. and processed through However, if such request is denied, our normal Pet policies and charges will apply.
  7. Applicants agree that when communicating about your application, we may communicate with all applicants as a group and some of your financial or personal information may be communicated with all applicants while attempting to seek additional information about your application.

If you have special circumstances that you would like us to consider or to discuss, please upload comments to this application or send a note to [email protected] and a leasing manager will contact you to discuss your situation.

RPMV reserves the right to make exceptions to these criteria if the applicant has other factors that would help them income or credit qualify by providing a rent guarantee bond.

As an applicant, you agree and understand that this is a routine application to establish credit, character, criminal history, employment, and rental history. You, the applicant, understand that this is NOT and agreement to rent and that all applications must be approved including all of the lease terms if not already agreed to in writing. You, the applicant authorize verification of references given and declare that the statements made herein are true and correct, and further agree that the landlord may terminate any agreements entered into in reliance on any misstatement made on the application.

Processing an application normally takes between two (2) to three (3) business days. In some cases, the approval of common-interest associations, owners or unforeseen circumstances may require a longer processing period. Please be assured that we will contact you immediately upon determination of approval or denial.

The Application:

  1. Upon receipt of your complete rental application and application fee(s), you can expect and hereby authorize that we will: (1) check your credit report, (2) check the public records for any past evictions, (3) verify your employment and income, (4) verify your previous and current landlord references, and (5) conduct a criminal background check.
  2. Applicants have the opportunity and right to provide us supplemental or additional information to support their application, but will be allowed only 24 hours from upon request before the application will be suspended or cancelled.
  3. Applications that are approved or denied will be notified via email.
  4. If an interior viewing has not been conducted, your application may be declined or suspended until a viewing is performed.
  5. The premises will be deemed in acceptable move-in condition to applicant unless applicant submits a maintenance, upgrade, tenant improvement, or repair request with the application as an uploaded document. If your maintenance, improvement, or repair request is acceptable to RPMV, then that agreement will be written into the lease or lease addendum. Verbal representations are non-binding and will not be considered.
  6. All initial payments must be made in full using, our on-line method of payment. However an accommodation may be requested to pay first month’s rent, security deposit, or other move-in charges by by cashier’s check or USPS money order payable to “Real Property Management Viking.” Security Deposits must be paid at lease signing and and delivered to the RPMV office within 24 hours of lease signing and all other move-in funds by 3:00pm CT on the last business day before your lease starts. Payments in subsequent months shall be paid by eCheck in accordance with the lease terms.
  7. Applicants will be evaluated on an individual basis and one applicant who does not meet the credit or income criteria may be grounds for denial of the group if the other applicants can not meet the criteria as a remaining group. Any individual who does not meet the the criminal or eviction criteria will be denied tenancy. If any individual misrepresents their application or is disparaging or disrespectful will disqualify the entire group application.
  8. Vehicles, if you have more than one vehicle, registrations will be required for each vehicle.

DO NOT SUBMIT “SCREEN SHOTS.” SUBMIT ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS in a Photo or PDF. IF YOUR DOCUMENT IS ILLEGIBLE, INCOMPLETE, REDACTED, OR CROPPED IT WILL BE CONSIDERED INCOMPLETE. Both Sides of Photo ID is required. When uploading bank statement, identify which entry is tied to your income.

Rental Costs:

  1. APPLICATION FEE: There is a per adult (age 18 and older) application fee of at least $60 (and can be higher depending on the property) that is non-refundable upon RPMV’s processing the application. This application fee must accompany the completed application.
  2. MANAGER SERVICES: If you are the approved applicant, there is an enrollment charge of $0.25/s.f. Pre-paid Cleaning Service (minimum $300) which covers Move-out cleaning and Move-in/Move-out inspections and lease documentation, administrative costs, inspections, and the costs in preparing your leasing documents and coordinating your move-in. In addition, a tenant benefit service charge of $13 plus 1.2% of the monthly rent will be added to your monthly rent charge to cover technology, tenant benefits, document retention, and processing costs. These charges are in addition to rent and security deposits.
  3. CIC FEES: Some Common Interest Associations may require a separate application and fees or background checks. If this is the case, you must also apply separately to the Association and remit whatever additional application fee may be required.
  4. PROPERTY HOLD SERVICE: A Hold Charge equal to one month’s rent is due within 24 hours of approval of any application to hold the premises if you can not or choose not to sign the lease upon issuance. The Hold Charge in the form of a USPS Money Order or Cahsier’s Check must be received by the RPMV office within 24 hours of the notice of issuing the lease in order to hold open the lease. This amount will be credited toward the required security deposit when the lease has been signed by all parties. Should the lease not be executed within 4 calendar days of approval, or the applicant fails to take possession of the premises, this amount will be applied and will not be returned.
  5. ANIMALS: No animals of any kind are permitted without the specific written permission of RPMV (subject to assistance animal laws). Once your application is approved, you must complete a Tenant only ($0) at Applicants with any type of animal must sign an Animal Addendum, which is part of the lease. For pets, applicants must pay a non-refundable monthly Pet Service fee $25 for dogs and $35 for cats (other animals may have additional charges). Some properties may limit the type, breed, or number of pets, or require higher pet fees, insurance, pet rent, pet service, and/or pet security deposit amounts. If a higher pet fee, rent, and/or security deposit amount is required, you will be notified when your application is approved. Contact us if you wish to inquire about any such charges before you submit your application. Restricted breed animals shall require renters insurance with coverage for dog bites.
  6. SECURITY DEPOSIT AND OTHER CHARGES: The security deposit is equal to 1 month’s rent at a minimum and may be higher if allowed by law, to support higher risk, or if pets are allowed. Security Deposits will be increased by 30% for each animal; and, may be further increased if the applicant does not meet our criteria or presents additional risk in the landlord’s sole discretion.
  7. FURNACE FILTERS AND WATER SOFTENER SALT SERVICE: For single family properties only, a $75-$150 cost will charged at the start of each lease if the property is equipped with a furnace or water softener.
  8. PRO-RATED RENT: If your lease starts on any day other than the 1st of a month, your Rent will be prorated. However, in addition to the Security Deposit and other services, you will pay one full month’s rent at lease signing and the pro-rated rent only shall be due on the first day of the first full month of the lease term.
  9. INSURANCE Your lease requires that you pay for and maintain 100,000 in tenant legal liability insurance included in most renters insurance policies.

Resident Selection:

Applicants must meet all of the following criteria to be considered, and must also have good character and be transparent in disclosing all relevant information:


  1. INCOME: For properties not located in Minneapolis or St. Paul, applicants must have a combined verifiable gross monthly income of at least 3 times the monthly rent, or net pay of 2 times (if qualifying using net pay instead of gross pay). Total debt (debt/lease payments) to Income ratio exceed 33% may require a guarantee bond. To be counted as income, amounts must be anticipated to be consistently received through the term of the lease, verifiable, reliable, consistent, and predictable. If you can demonstrate that you can afford the unit, but do not meet our income criteria, you can apply for a rent guarantee bond at We may offer this option to Recent Graduates, Self Employed or Independent Contractors, Non-U.S. Citizens, Corporate Leases, applicants with Limited Housing History, applicants with less than 12 months of consistent recent employment, or Students.
  2. MINNEAPOLIS/ST.PAUL: For Minneapolis properties, the requirement is gross monthly income of 2.9 times the monthly rent (including HOA fees) or 2 time net monthly pay. For St. Paul properties, the requirement is gross pay of 2.45 times the monthly rent (including HOA fees) or 1.65 times the net pay. To be counted as income, amounts must be anticipated to be consistently received through the term of the lease, verifiable, reliable, consistent, and predictable. In Minneapolis, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to pay rent, even if your income does not meet the above ratios.
  3. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: If your income verification consists of multiple documents, submit a separate page that consolidates and summarizes all income on one page with the individual sources identified and totaled, or request our Income Summary Worksheet. If we can not understand or verify your income, we will disqualify it.
  4. FULL-TIME STUDENTS: For students currently enrolled full time in an accredited college or university, lack of income or credit will not be a disqualifying factor.
  5. EMPLOYMENT: Applicants must have been continuously employed for the prior 12 months. Upload 60 days worth of your MOST recent w-2 pay stubs (showing payor name, phone number, current income, year to date income, deductions, payee name and address, deposit account) and 2 months of bank statements. All of these documents must tie out to validate income. A bank account verification may be requested. If you do not have w-2 payroll statements, follow the instructions below for Self-Employed.
  6. TIPS, COMMISSIONS, BONUSES AND CASH PAYMENTS Tips must be supported with a W-2 or IRS Form 4137. If 20% or more of your income is from bonuses or commission, 3 years of W-2 or tax returns are required to establish consistency of income, otherwise the commission or bonus will be excluded from our income calculations.
  7. FUTURE EMPLOYMENT: We will consider future employment for verifiable income only if the EMPLOYMENT OFFER LETTERS IS SIGNED AND DATED BY THE EMPLOYER and emailed directly from the employer or has a validated digital signature. If the new employment is scheduled to start after the Lease Start Date, a lease guarantee or prepaid rent may be required.
  8. SELF-EMPLOYED: A lease guarantee will be required from unless you can demonstrate to our satisfaction that you have reliable income. Such evidence includes 90 days worth of your most recent personal bank statements (circle the deposits from income sources covering at least 90 days of income), year-to-date AND prior year business income statements, and your most recent three years of personal and business tax returns. A bank account verification will be required. You must have at least 1 year of self-employment income history to be considered verified income.
  9. INVESTMENT INCOME: If you are relying on investment income as your source to pay rent, you must have 6 times the amount of annualize rent in liquid investments, the Applicant(s) must be the only name(s) on the account, and submit 6 month’s of most recent monthly statements.
  10. BANK STATEMENTS: No joint bank statements will be considered unless all joint account holders are to be tenant occupants.
  11. GOVERNMENT BENEFITS: If you receive government or other benefits, provide 90 days of statements showing receipts or statements showing future obligations to you. We may require you to complete and submit our Income Worksheet in order to understand the nature and financial impact of the benefits.
    Option 1 LEASE GUARANTEE: Get qualified for a lease guarantee at This guarantee program is ONLY to be used to guarantee income that is inconsistent, is to shore up a short time period prior to a new job, or does not meet the 12 month employment history requirement. It is not to be used for inadequate income. This guarantee program may be used for corporate leases, self-employed, non-U.S. citizens, recent graduates, no-credit, or to enhance credit scores (as is defined herein), but only when any negative credit issues are older than 3 years. Application group must have at least 10x the monthly rent in liquid assets to qualify. Option 2 FULL TIME STUDENTS: Get qualified for a lease guarantee at This option only applies to support the lack of income from resident applicants and does not apply to applicants that do not qualify under our credit requirements.  Evidence of full-time enrollment in a post-secondary education is required.  Option 3 CREDIT/RISK PAYMENT: Pay the Credit/Income Service charge listed on the term sheet when provided. This is a non-refundable charge.

Income MUST be verifiable, consistent, and provided in a written and legible form acceptable to Real Property Management – Viking. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) mobile payment services, such as Venmo, Zelle, and Cash App, or similar cash transfers do not qualify as verified income. Additional confirmation, verification or documentation may be requested in order to approve the applicant(s). To be counted as income or benefits, amounts must be anticipated to be consistently received through the term of the lease. We will make our income determination solely on the documents you submit. It is your responsibility to provide sufficient evidence of your stable, consistent, and verifiable income in a format that we can easily understand and verify. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT THAT WE HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR INCOME. Please be complete and clear in your submittals. However, if we do request additional information, documents, or clarifications, you will only have 24 hours to provide such information before we cancel your application.

IF YOU HAVE MULTIPLE INCOME SOURCES OR YOUR INCOME SOURCES ARE PRESENTED ON MULTIPLE DOCUMENTS, YOU MUST SUMMARIZE ALL INCOME ON A SINGLE PAGE AND PROVIDE A GRAND TOTAL. YOUR APPLICATION WILL BE CONSIDERED INCOMPLETE IF YOUR INCOME IS NOT EASILY IDENTIFIED ON A SINGLE PAGE. A template form is available from [email protected] upon request. We may require bank statements or your bank information in order for us to perform an online bank verification of your income transactions.


  1. 3-YEARS: A minimum of 3 years’ residential rental or mortgage history is required with references provided. Roommate and family-member references are not accepted and such housing situations are not considered housing history for qualifying. We will reject an application if a previous landlord/mortgage or contract-for-deed holder provides negative information about the applicant. We may reject an application if there is not 3 years of rental history or mortgage history for all adult applicants.
  2. LANDLORD REFERENCE: VALID EMAIL ADDRESS IS REQUIRED FOR PRIOR LANDLORDS. If you do not have their email address for reference checks, call the landlord and ask for a valid email. APPLICATIONS WILL BE DENEID IF A FALSE EMAIL IS PROVIDED. Leasing agent will not call to locate their email address. You may upload a written reference letter from your landlord if you do not have contact information. Negative references include items such as lease non-renewals issued by the landlord, household safety/health/housekeeping violations, lease violations, damage to property, pest-control issues, police calls, unpaid rent, repeated late rent payments, statement that they would not re-rent to applicant, etc.
  3. EVICTIONS: We will reject an applicant who has a settled eviction action or eviction action judgment within the last five (5) years. We will deny an application where the applicant in bad faith withholds rental history that might form a basis to deny the application.
  4. LIMITED HISTORY: We may accept an application with little or no housing history or non-responsive reference with additional security deposit, lease guarantee bond, or other consideration.
  5. MINNEAPOLIS: For Minneapolis properties, we will perform an individualized assessment for an application if the applicant has an eviction action judgment or a settled eviction action. We will not deny an applicant who lacks a rental history (for example, if due to the applicant’s age or other life circumstances), However, we will require a 3 month Surety Bond.


  1. CREDIT SCORES: An applicant’s credit report must not contain slow pays, past due debt, judgments, charge-offs, collections, or liens within the past three (3) years; or open collections or bankruptcy or late pays more than 30 Days. And no late pays for mortgages or rents in the past seven (7) years. Applicants with credit scores less than 650 may be grounds for denial or require a surety bond or increased security deposit. In general, applicants must demonstrate that they have at least a 3 year history of paying their credit obligations (seven for rents and mortgages) and do not have a debt burden greater than 33% of income. Credit scores are evaluated on an individual basis; failing credit will disqualify income contribution for rental qualification. Open collections less than $300 for non-housing related charges may be allowed if evidence of payment is provided within the allowable timeframes herein, or requirement waived by RPMV.
  2. MINNEAPOLIS: For Minneapolis properties, an application may be denied if the applicant’s credit report contains negative information that is directly relevant to the applicant’s fitness as a tenant (examples include owing amounts to prior landlords, owing amounts to utility companies (including, but not limited to gas, electric, phone, cable, internet, water), a heavy debt burden, collections activity, past due debt, a bankruptcy, a foreclosure within the past three (3) years, or repeated late payments toward credit obligations.) Credit scores on their own are not considered in deciding whether to approve an application. Lack of a credit history is not a basis for rejecting an application unless the applicant in bad faith withholds credit history information that might otherwise form a basis to deny the application. Open collections less than $300 for non-housing related charges may be allowed if evidence of payment is provided within the allowable timeframes herein.


Valid, current, non-expired government issued photo ID documentation (driver’s license, military or State Identification, passport etc.) is required to be submitted as part of the application along with a “selfie” for extra validation.


Some Common Interest Communities (Associations) may require a separate application and/or fee. If so, you must also apply separately to the Association. Approval by the Association is a mandatory prerequisite to our approval of your application.


Security Deposits are required to be paid, or Billing Authorizations approved prior to occupancy and are security for faithful performance by tenants of all terms, covenants, and conditions of the lease. The security deposit is refundable when the tenants move out of the property at the expiration of the lease term, minus damage beyond ordinary wear and tear and other unpaid amounts due under the lease. In some cases, security deposit alternatives such as Billing Authorizations may be offered to those who qualify.


Any exceptions to these criteria will need to be submitted in writing to us for consideration. If approval is then given for such exceptions, a non-refundable charge, additional security deposit, additional security and/or additional rent may be required. If your income or credit does not meet our criteria, you may be offered a lease contingent upon receiving a rent guarantee, additional deposits, or other form of security.


CONDUCT: The relationship between a landlord, property manager, and tenant is a business relationship. Courteous and businesslike conduct is required by all parties. RPMV reserves the right to refuse rental to anyone who is verbally abusive, swears, is disrespectful, misrepresents, makes threats, is intoxicated, is argumentative, or in general displays a conduct at the time of the unit showing or application process that causes RPMV to believe it would not have a positive business relationship.

OCCUPANCY: Maximum of 2 occupants per bedroom. No smoking or vaping of any substance in premises, common areas, curtilage, or garage.

LEASE: In addition to other lease terms, leases will be for 12 months minimum unless otherwise disclosed and tenant shall pay all utilities unless otherwise agreed to in writing. Contact RPMV for additional terms and conditions. Applicants requesting shorter or longer terms may be requested, but may not be accepted and additional rents or charges may apply.

RENT AMOUNT: Rents quoted are the rental amounts for a 12 month lease, net of all discounts, paid on time (on or before the 1st day of each month by 3:00 PM Central Time).

KEYS: Keys, access codes, or access devices will be released on the first (1st) day of occupancy as stated in the lease as long as all requirements have been met. Request for keys earlier must be accompanied with additional pro-rated rent and must have our prior approval. We’ll furnish keys and/or access devices only after: (1) all parties have signed the contemplated lease and other rental documents referred to in the lease; and (2) all applicable rents, fees and security deposits and other lease requirements are met and have been paid in full; and (3) all utility verifications have been received.

MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS: We may receive multiple applications from unrelated individual applicants on the same property at approximately the same time. We will process applications for consideration based on the earliest received and in chronological order of fully complete, and within the terms offered by landlord. Only one (1) will eventually be approved. If your application is acceptable but not the approved application for the property for which you are applying, you may consider applying for other available properties that we may have without payment of an additional application fee, or your application fee will be refunded to you.

LEASING AGENTS: We provide leasing or showing agents who will provide you with opportunities to preview our properties, distribute rental information, applications, rental process, and application disclosures. Please understand that the leasing agent is not authorized to negotiate on behalf of RPMV. Verbal representations are non-binding. Once your application is submitted to us, the approval/denial and negotiation process (if any) will be handled by the property manager in charge of the property for which you are applying.

TENANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This document and disclosure is an integral part of your rental application. You do hereby acknowledge that you understand and agree to the terms of application and rental process as described herein. You further acknowledge that you have seen and previewed the rental property (both inside and outside) for which you are applying. You acknowledge that any notice we give to you or your co-applicant is considered notice to all co-applicants; and any notice from you or your co-applicant to us is considered notice from all co-applicants.


  1. We do not reject applications based on arrests, dismissed charges, or expunged convictions.
  2. We do not reject applications based on juvenile records unless the resulting adjudication or conviction is based on an adult charge or public juvenile adjudication.
  3. We do not reject applications based on minor crimes (failure to pay transit fare, minor consumption of alcohol, loitering without intent, worthless check under $100, etc.) or for minor and moderate driving offenses that do not involve criminal vehicular operation causing property damage or bodily injury.
  4. We do not reject applications based on DUIs/DWIs unless the applicant has three or more such offenses in the past five years.
  5. We do reject applications based on criminal convictions of disorderly conduct, domestic abuse, or other violent crimes.
  6. We do reject applications no matter the date of the conviction for criminal convictions such as homicide; assault, battery, arson; criminal sexual conduct; child pornography; illegal manufacture or distribution of controlled substances; terrorism; blackmail; extortion; and racketeering.
  7. We do reject applicants who are currently subject to any sex-offender registration requirement under any jurisdiction.
  8. We do reject applicants with convictions for drug-related crimes not discussed above if the conviction is less than 10 years old.
  9. We do reject applicants with convictions for violent crimes not discussed above if the conviction is less than 15 years old.

For convictions not described above, we consider the nature, severity, and age of the conviction in determining whether to approve or reject an application. Given the variety of convictions that exist and the need to review accurate records, we cannot make binding pre-application determinations about whether your criminal history may disqualify you from our housing. We make admissions decisions after we have ordered and reviewed screening reports.

Open charges: Unless the charge is for a crime that we disregard under our screening criteria, we reject applicants with open charges. An applicant may re-apply upon resolution of the open charge, at which time the then-closed charge will be considered under our criteria. If the open charge was dismissed, the application will not be denied on the basis of that charge. If the open charge resulted in a conviction, it will be evaluated under our criteria to determine whether the conviction requires rejection of the application.

We have the discretion to evaluate criminal records to determine how to characterize them and apply our screening criteria. Our screening criteria are narrowly and proportionately tailored to comply with fair housing law, advance the property’s interests, and not unduly limit an applicant’s admission based on criminal history. We have and will continue to consider the interests of the property, various laws, and other relevant materials when determining how to treat criminal records under our criteria. We will reject applications when required to do so by federal, state, or local law. We have the discretion to modify our criteria based on new information, new law, our experience in applying the criteria, and other business justifications.

MINNEAPOLIS SCREENING CRITERIA – which can be altered if a Landlord does individualized assessments

  1. We do not reject applications based on arrests. However, if there is an active charge, and the charge is for crime that would result in denial if it were a conviction, the charge must be resolved before we make a decision to accept or deny your application.
  2. We do not reject applications based on criminal convictions with the following outcomes: participation in or successfully completed diversion programs, deferral of judgment programs, stays of adjudication, continuances for dismissal, or continuances without prosecution.
  3. We do not reject applications based on vacated convictions, expunged convictions, stays of imposition of sentencing where applicant complied with terms of the stay, and juvenile adjudications.
  4. We do not reject applications for a criminal conviction where the crime is no longer illegal in Minnesota.
  5. We do not reject applications based on minor crimes (failure to pay transit fare, minor consumption of alcohol, loitering without intent, worthless check, etc.) or for minor and moderate driving offenses (other than DWI/DUI) that do not involve criminal vehicular operation causing property damage or bodily injury.
  6. We do reject applications, no matter the date of the conviction, for criminal convictions for the illegal manufacture or distribution of controlled substances or for any convictions that mandate denial of tenancy in federally assisted housing.
  7. We do reject applicants who are subject to any lifetime sex-offender registration requirement under any state’s jurisdiction.
  8. We do reject the following felony convictions for 10 years from the sentencing date: first-degree assault, aggravated robbery, and kidnapping (Minn. Stat. 609.25 Subd.2(2) or similar non-Minnesota statute).
  9. We do reject all other felony convictions not listed above 7 years from the sentencing date.
  10. We do reject all gross misdemeanor, misdemeanor, and petty misdemeanor convictions not listed above for 3 years from the sentencing date.

Given the variety of convictions that exist and the need to review accurate records, we cannot make binding pre-application determinations about whether your criminal history may disqualify you from our housing. We make admissions decisions after we have ordered and reviewed screening reports. We have the discretion to evaluate criminal records to determine how to characterize them and apply our screening criteria. We will reject applications when required to do so by federal, state, or local law. We may modify our criteria based on new law.

Definition of a Complete Application 1. All Applicants have submitted their complete application. 2. Applicants have followed the submittal process for ID Verification (Legible Front/Back of ID and Selfie using FinDigs ID verification system).  3. Credit, Criminal, & Eviction reports received. Credit filed under a different name may require a new application if a second credit needs to be ordered. 4. Bank accounts linked with income verification OR 60 days worth of payroll stubs showing all company, employee, and payroll information which verifies income or assets. 5. Complete and accurate employer contact information with supporting documents (pay stubs, signed future employment letter, etc), see above for additional requirements for self employed, unemployed, or students. 6. Complete and accurate housing history for 3 years with contact and supporting documents (Location, Landlord Contact, proof of living with friends/family such as Insurance Statement, Bank Statement) 7. Copy of vehicle registration for all vehicles if number of vehicles exceed number of adult applicants 8. Additional information requested to validate the above.


We reserve the right to not rent to Lawyers, Law Students, Psychotherapists or Property Managers. Contact us in advance of applying if you seek an exception.

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